1. http://www.simplyzesty.com/social-media/teens-use-social-media/
- Why do tennagers use social media
"We all know we want to reach them, but in many ways they are the most unpredictable consumers who are hard to please."
argument: why teenagers are using social media at such a young age, and how adults can try and reach them through this medium.
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6YT6sEDZiE
" always up to date 24 hours a day"
" keep many more friends because of facebook"
argument: explaining to parents why teenagers use social media.
3. Facebook killed the social life
" social networks are changing what we describe as private"
arguemnt- impact social networks are having on someone's private life.
4. The facebook blog
by mark Zuckerberg.
stories of people using facebook for different reasons.
"Ben Saylor, a 17-year-old high school student, who turned to Facebook to organize a community effort to rebuild the Pioneer Playhouse, the oldest outdoor theater in Kentucky, after it was damaged by floods in May."
"Holly Rose, a mother in Phoenix, who credits a friend's status message telling women to check for breast cancer with her being diagnosed in time to treat the disease. She used Facebook for support during treatment and became a prevention advocate herself."
"Our mission at Facebook is to help make the world more open and connected. Stories like these are examples of that mission and are both humbling and inspiring. I could have never imagined all of the ways people would use Facebook when we were getting started 6 years ago."
Thesis- A message of thanks from facebook for sharing stories.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What are the motives for using facebook for college students?
Summary: This article or more like a book that I found has more information about Facebook and social networking than I can even take in all at once. There are lots of different research questions on what types of people are using Facebook and why they are using Facebook. The studies show that different age groups use social networking for many different reasons but mostly to stay connected with friends. There are many statics and other sources linked into their study to prove their points. It talks about why and how people are becoming so use to it being in their every day life. It talks about what if Facebook were to "disappear" the world would miss it. People have now become addictive to a websites that revolves around pictures, wall post, groups, friends and status updates. This article studies why Facebook is needed and what it is being used for. It is an online survey study conducted at a med-atlantic university. They are not only looking for why Facebook is being used so much but also the motivations and gratifications for Facebook use. They concluded that high school students are more likely to use Facebook to pass time and that college students were most likely to use it to keep in touch with new and old friends while being away at school. Their studies also showed that college students have been using Facebook for a longer period of time compared to high school students.
Main Claim: "The purpose of this study is to examine high school student and undergraduate
Main Claim: "The purpose of this study is to examine high school student and undergraduate
college student motives for using the social network site Facebook and their behavioral
and attitudinal outcomes from these uses and gratifications"
"Stafford (2008) found that women are
more likely to visit Facebook to preserve existing relationships, be entertained, and pass
time than men. Men are more likely to visit Facebook to meet new people or develop
new relationships than women"
"The second most mentioned use related to social
surveillance or “people watching” (Joinson, 2008)."
"Popular gratifications for participants in research performed by
Raacke and Bonds-Raacke (2008) were staying in touch with old friends (96.0%) and
staying in touch with present friends (91.1%). The lowest uses and gratification related
to use for academic (10.9%) and dating (7.9%) reasons'
"Data has found that the motives of entertainment,
passing time, and relationship maintenance are all significant predictors of whether users
would miss Facebook if it were to disappear"
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It is weird to think how MySpace use to be the talk of everything, it was never and will never be as big as facebook, but as we all check our facebook's at least once a day that is just how MySpace use to be. MySpace use to be a way for me to show my individually through what layout I had and a few pictures of my self, plus of course my top 8 best friends. MySpace is now trying to keep up with facebook but isn’t doing a good job of it. MySpace is now taking their one thing they had over facebook and that's music. Music could be played on anyone's MySpace and it could be anyone. The person did not have to be famous to have his or her music on MySpace, which relates back to YouTube in a sense that anyone can do it.
Social networking has its positive things and of course with every good thing has its negatives. The positive things are that it gives everyone a chance to express their opinion and feelings about life. On Facebook,MySpace and twitter you can express how you feel within seconds and the world would know. On the other hand, their are things that do not need to be out in public. I do believe the Internet is the fingerprint of the 21st century because it is the new way of doing everything. According to the article fingerprinting of the 21st century it gives examples of ways the cops are using it to solve crimes and jobs are using it to look at future new workers. The negative side of this that anyone can see what is posted on these social networking websites including people that you don't want to see.
Bullying is something that has been going on for years and will continue to go on, but I do people social networking is making this issue a million times worst. The bullying that use to only take place in teenagers is now taking place in every age range of people. It is so easy to bully someone on the Internet because you can have a fake identify and also don’t have to say these things in person. Now a day, everyone has a camera on their phone and it is extremely easy to take a picture of someone doing something then posts it on their social networking site for all of their friends to see. In the news a few years ago, someone posted a video of his or her roommate having sex with a guy. This roommate did not ask permission of the other roommate if this material was okay to be on the internet and the within a few days of his friends and family seeing the video, he committed suicide because he would not live with the fact that world knew he was gay. These types of stories happen all the time, when bullying gets out of control. The good thing is there are people checking our facebook all the time to make sure inappropriate things are not on them, but it is a scary thought to realize how much our lives are revolving around social networking.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The first time I ever heard about YouTube was when I was on vacation with my friend and her family. Her older brother and his friend would literally sit there for hours and watch you tube, they never were not laughing. When they were not watching you tube they would be mocking things they saw on you tube, it was actually really annoying but I did want to see what this was all about. The next night they hooked the computer up to the TV so everyone could watch. We watched people just doing dumb stuff and sometimes getting hurt, we would watch people sing and dance. We watched everything. This was 4 years ago, and till this day I still see people mocking YouTube and watching it. I believe it’s almost as addicting as face book. People talk about it, people make it part of their everyday life. I believe YouTube is a place for people to express themselves or to be something else. It is a place to take your mind off of everything going around you; it’s a place to share your story. It’s a place to listen to music, and to laugh at people. It’s a place were people can become famous without being rich or having connections. In the video “Reasons Why We Tube” I like the part where someone shows a video of someone missing in his or her family. YouTube is a way to express yourself around the world. Some things can be extremely important and other things can be totally pointless, either way it is shared with everyone. I think that some people can show too much into their personal life, but then again we don’t know what real and what’s not and that’s half the fun. Another interesting thing I read in one of the articles is how when mtv showed the movie “video killed the radio star” which slowly became true, now I feel like YouTube is slowing killed paid video. Since everything that is uploaded is free to watch. I don’t really watch You Tube videos unless someone leaves one on my facebook wall then I watch them. I use YouTube more for music than anything else. Which I feel like is illegal but since its on YouTube I guess that’s okay. Overall, I think YouTube is a great idea. Its something that I feel like would have sounded crazy just 10 years ago, but now it’s a way of life. Some people take YouTube over board but for the most part it is just there for people to enjoy themselves and express themselves. In class one student said its like America’s funniest home videos all day long. I couldn’t not agree with that statement. The videos that I picked are people expressing their love for Alabama. These videos show that people of all ages can express their love for The University of Alabama in many different ways. Just by yelling roll tide, singing and even tattoos, YouTube can let people express anything in every way possible.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0zOGdjxi7Q- this link isnt worling for some reason, so just type in i need a little roll tide and its a guy singing a song on his guitar.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday January 16, 2011
1. My name is Amanda Michelle Brewer and I am 19 years old.
2. I was born and raised in the south, I love living here and would never move to the the north.
3. When I get really excited about something I start talking really fast and loud. Just tell me to slow down and be quiet.
4. Im a Zeta
5. I love country music because every song tells a story, I also love Trevor Hall, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, lil wayne, Rihanna, Niki Minaj, Kid Cudi and Gucci. I listen to everything.
6. I over analyze everything
7. I love playing flag football.
8. Pretty Women, Forrest Gump, and The Family Man are my three favorite movies.
9. I believe you must love yourself before you will ever be able to love anyone else.
10. I'm OBSESSED with girls with long hair, and I have been trying to grow my hair out for 2 years.
11. I have a weird sense of style and I like to mix and match a lot of different things together.
12. My room is always a mess and I hate to clean it.
13. I love to dance but I'm not good at it.
14.I'm weird, crazy, loud, outgoing and opinionated. I promise you will never meet anyone like me.
15. I go to Harry's Bar way to much
16. I love pickles and I put ranch dressing on everything I eat.
17. I love my beautiful best friends, boyfriend and family; they are my world.
18. I love out door concerts.
19. I believe you must always have faith.
20. I just want to be happy with happy people.

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